标签 无耻之徒 下的文章

1、‌‘cause we all screwed up in one way or the other.


2、You are not perfect,Fiona.None of us are.


3、Life’s messy,and people have secrets.


4、Life is rife with questions that baffle. All we can do is carry on.


5、The best thing about mistakes is we get to correct them.


6、Don't spend time thinking about things you can't have.


7、Life is not so this or that,black and white.


8、Not everybody gets to just blurt out how they funkin‌‘feel every minute.


9、Never apologize for your parents.


10、But I have learned in therapy.That you can’t control what goes on in the world.No,you can just choose to be a part of it every single day.


Throw in some walking around money,and I‌‘ll give it a shot.多给我点零花钱,我就肯试试。

We’re paving a road back to god,and devil has erected obstacles that call for rule-bending in service of a greater good. 我们正走在通往上帝的路上,魔鬼在路上设下重重阻碍,要击败邪恶,就得出其不意。

Sometimes when you’re feeling really bad,if you make yourself look better on the outside,it can start to make you feel better on the inside. My mom calls it,‌‌“Taking it from the outside in.‌‌”有时,当你感觉很糟的时候,如果把外表打扮起来,很快心里也会跟着好起来。我妈管这个叫‌‌“由外至内美丽法。‌‌”

Family is supposed to be forever. Supposed to take care of you regardless of what you do. 家人应该是永恒的,不管你做了什么,都会照顾你。